


Uni-Weld in Grenoble GE Renewables workshop (France)


GE Renewables has ordered a team to Uni-Weld in order
to participate to repair works on its turbines in its workshop of Grenoble (France). The quality of the works done will probably allow us to perform more activities in this historical workshop. Two turbines are actually under construction,
the first one is destined to an hydro power plant in the north of France and the second one to Grand Renaissance site
in Ethiopia.

Uni-Weld team is very proud to be able to participate
to this work.


machines delivery


Today Uni-Weld receives is first welding machines.
It is 3 EWM machines

  • Picotig 200: Inverter TIG welding machine, AC/DC current, electronic HF ignition, 2 and 4 strokes work.
  • Phoenix 355 Progress Puls Compact: Compact inverter MIG/MAG welding machine, pulsed arc, integrated driving wire system, synergic control.
  • Phoenix 405 Progress Puls: Modular inverter MIG/MAG welding machine, pulsed arc, separated reel, synergic control.


Our Web Site


First of all, we would like to thanks Sento Sales for his job with our Web site.

In the tab "news" we will maintain you informed about company activities and news about welding profession.

For whatever consultation, feel free to contact with us:



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